Doesn’t life get so busy?!

It feels like a month since my last blog, and indeed it is. In fact, it feels longer. I’ve been busy with my day job in aged care, and in my ‘other life’ of writing and other hobbies as well as family life, the weeks have just been ‘carved up’ on my calendar. I don’t know where ‘carved up’ comes from, but I use it to say something has been thrashed.

The second half of July flew by after we returned from an adventure of a lifetime in the UK and Europe. August seemed to take its time to pass. It was a very full month, but that didn’t make it go fast at all.

It’s nice that it’s Spring, but here in Queensland it doesn’t seem to matter what season it is officially - it’s warm or hot regardless. We have gone from a mild dry winter to a very warm and extremely dry early Spring.
If you don’t live in Australia, nor have family of friends living here, or you don’t see the articles on the national news – then here is a scoop for you – most of Australia is in extreme drought. And now we have ferocious, fast moving bush fires in Queensland. Bush fire season has just started with a vengeance.

So, now you are up to speed with the ‘Big Dry’ down here in the Great Southern Land. Here in the Southern Downs, we are on extreme water restrictions. 100 litres of water per person/per day. Things are grim. Before too long our daily quota will reduce to 80 litres.

So, as a result, I haven’t done a lot of writing. Life, my day job and garden watering from what’s left in our rain-water tank, has taken priority. I am also enjoying a good read from Maeve Binchy.

As much as I love to write and explore story lines and invent and develop characters, I try very hard to maintain a sort of balance in my life, which might mean something has to give. Sometimes it’s writing, especially if my Muse is taking an extended nap. I continue to write short stories for our local paper, The Warwick Daily News. If you Google the paper and my name, you will find some links to my stories. I have written 94 over the past 24 months and growing. That total amazes me as I only intended to write 1 story, but friends told me to write more. So, I did.

The weekend is here, so I have a mission to write, read, crochet, and sort photos from our recent holiday to go in an album.

I can tell you right now, a 2-day weekend won’t be long enough!

Until next time,

Happy reading!

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