What can I say….it has been a month and a half since my last blog…

Reason being I have been writing and my latest writing project has taken priority.  But I thought it was high time to touch base with who ever reads these blogs of mine.

That’s if anyone is still out there.  They are either waiting for this or they have long gone to read someone else’s blog, who writes more often.

We are approaching summer down here in Queensland and the weather is warming up.  It’s quite normal to reach low 40’s (Celsius) here, which is pretty unpleasant.  It’s too hot to go outside for more than 5-10 minutes, even with a hat on and unless the aircon is going flat-out, it’s too hot to write inside.  I sat at my laptop last summer and sweltered.  It’s hard to escape the heat unless you have a swimming pool or you are near a beach or a lake.  Well, there are no beaches within 2 hours drive from here, and certainly no lakes.  We don’t have a pool, and to be fair, even if we did it would be empty because we are in the middle of extreme drought so we’re on water restrictions of 100 litres per person per day.  That will drop to 80 litres soon.

And where am I going wit this rant about the drought?  I’m writing flat-out now, before it gets too hot.

So, something had to give as my fingers fly across the keyboard…and my blogs were first on the list.

I’ll have more to say when I have finished my first memoir.  So much fun to write!  No plot to nut out, no characters to develop, no back stories to build.  It’s all real life and I am putting my slant on events as they happened.

So, I’ll get back to where I left off…somewhere in the wild west of Ireland.  And I’ll be back sooner rather than later.  I hope you come back too!

Until then,

Happy reading!

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