The days are getting cooler now, down here in SE Queensland.  The summer days are moving on to keep another part of the world warm and leaving us to adjust to a drop in temperature.  Autumn is a nice time of year, but as it has felt like it has been Summer forever here, it is a cold sudden jolt to the senses.
We are in the grips of a brutal drought; the rain Gods are just not playing nice right now.  If you live in Australia, you will know what I mean.  We are supposed to get a ‘Storm Season” from October to April, this brings lightening, thunder and RAIN.  Or maybe just rain.  The latter suits me, you can keep the light show and the thunder that sounds like the Earth is cracking in two.  But we got zip, nought, zilch with the last storm season.  Now we wait to see what October 2019 will bring.   Will it be rain?  Or with the ground beneath us continue to dry out?  We are on extreme water restrictions now, have been for a couple of months.  How far can 120L of water per person, per day, go?
Answer: A far as possible.  Don’t water the garden or wash the car.  So, in these dry times, it’s a darn good thing we have writing and reading to escape to!
Any writer will tell you that the best way to become a good writer, a best-selling author…is to READ.
The golden rule is, if you’re not writing…you should be reading.
I’ve been told by loads of writers, to read anything and everything.  All genres. All styles.
I read a horror story for the first time, last year.  It was way too gory for me, I had to skip a few pages, but the body (pardon the pun) of the story was brilliant.  Aside from intestines oozing out of abdomens after the zombie dogs had had a feed, it was brilliantly written.  It was a 5-star read. I couldn’t put it down.  Just goes to show…the genre you wouldn’t normally read, turns out to be a memorable one, for all the right reasons.
I have been told countless times by readers that they wouldn’t normally read a book
‘like’ Local Time, because it’s a scifi.  Well, disregard that.  Those readers couldn’t put it down.
And the moral of this insight?
Don’t judge a book by its genre!
Until next time,

Happy reading!

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